About Shanti Nilaya High School

Shanti Nilaya school was founded in the year 1976. This is a minority private institution run by P.H.J.C. Sisters registered in Madhya pradesh as Katharina kasper social service society. The school received C.B.S.E. Affilliation on 30th of June 2011. The School aims at the all round development of the students and educate them to be a person fully dedicated to nation and to be worthy citizens of tomorrow.

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Objective of the School

Harmonious development of the child as well as the unfolding of his/her potentialities. Developmenting the character of the students with attitudes needed for a balanced , confident maturation outgoing and prepare of complete living. Providing knowledge of all such subject to think scientifically and make decisions realistically. Inspiring child to have a spirit of love and respect for all ,for God and our country. Developing qualities like leadership , creativity, nationalism and humanitarian feeling.


The soul of education is the development of a child – physical, intellectual, emotional, psychic and spiritual. Shanti Nilaya High School is dedicated to focus its energy, thinking and planning towards realizing this objective for every child.

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The Promoters

Shanti Nilaya school was founded in the year 1976. This is a minority private intitution run by P.H.J.C. Sisters registered in Madya pradesh as Katharina kasper social service society. The school recieved C.B.S.C Affillated on 30th of june 2011.

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Education Society

Shanti Nilaya High School Education Society Since its establishment in 1994 has pursued with vigor and innovative spirit, its avowed objective is promoting all-round excellence in education for tomorrow’s citizens.

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Primary Wings

The Pre-primary and Primary wings of Shanti Nilaya High School ,DHAMNOD have been innovatively designed to provide home-like atmosphere for imparting education under Montessori System and activity based learning program.

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Mandatory Public Disclosure

Click here to view details.
A. General Information
1 Name of the School Shanti Nilaya High School, Dhamnod
2 Affiliation No. 1030553
3 School Code 50518
4 Complete Address With Pin Code Rampura, Maheshwar Road, Dhamnod, Distt.-Dhar (M.P.) 454552
5 Principal Name & Qualification Thomas Mychelin (M. Com., B. Ed.)
6 School Email Id shantinilayadhamnod@gmail.com
7 Contact Details (Landline/Mobile) 07291-299122, +91 9755773726
B. Documents and Information
1 Copies of Affiliation/upgradation Letter and Recent Extension of Affiliation VIEW
2 Copies of Societies/trust/company Registration/renewal Certificate VIEW
3 Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) Issued, by the State Govt./UT VIEW
4 Copies of Recognition Certificate Under RTE Act, 2009, and It’s Renewal VIEW
5 Copy of Valid Building Safety Certificate as Per the National Building Code VIEW
6 Copy of Valid Fire Safety Certificate Issued by the Competent Authority VIEW
7 Copy of the DEO Certificate Submitted by the School for Affiliation/upgradation/extension of Affiliationor Self Certification by School VIEW
8 Copies of Valid Water, Health and Sanitation Certificates VIEW
C. Results and Academics:
1 Fee Structure of the School VIEW
2 Annual Academic Calendar VIEW
3 List of School Management Committee (SMC) VIEW
4 List of Parents Teachers Association (PTA) Members VIEW
5 Last Three-year Result of the Board Examination as Per Applicablility VIEW
D. Staff (Teaching):
1 Principal Thomas Mychelin (M. Com., B. Ed.)
2 Total No. Of Teachers 33
TGT 12
3 Teachers Section Ratio 1 : 5
4 Details of Special Educator Moly Joseph (M.A., M. Phil., B. Ed.)
5 Details of Counsellor and Wellness Teacher Rita George Thykootam (M.A., B. Ed.)
E. School Infrastructure:
1 Total Campus Area of the School (In Sq. Mtr.) 23780 Sq. Mtr.
2 No. and Size of the Class Rooms (in Sq. Mtr.) Total Classrooms = 21 (10800 Sq. Mtr.)
3 No. And Size of Laboratories Including Computer Labs (In Sq. Mtr.) Total Laboratories = 6 (800 Sq. Mtr.)
4 Internet Facility (Y/N) YES
5 No. Of Girls Toilets 15
6 No. Of Boys Toilets 15
7 Link of Youtube Video of the Inspection of School Covering the Infrastructure of the School VIEW VIDEO
Area of School Campus:
(i) In Acres 02 Acres
(ii) In Sq. Mtr. 23780 Sq. Mtr.
(iii) Built up area (Sq. Mtr.) 1858 Sq. Mtr.
(iv) Area of playground in Sq. Mtr. 3591 Sq. Mtr.
Other Facilities:
(i) Swimming Pool No
(ii) Indoor games Yes
(iii) Dance Rooms Yes
(iv) Gymnasium No
(v) Boarding Yes (Only Girl Students)
(vi) Health and Medical Check-up Yes
(vii) Music Rooms Yes
(viii) Transport (Bus Facility) Yes